Advanced agreement inputs

Add Yes/No questions, checkboxes, image stamps, and more!

Yes/No Field

The yes/no field is a type of radio button field where signer options are “Yes” and “No”. The Yes/No field description (the question) is editable but the options are fixed. This field can be used to conditionally show other fields based on the yes or no selection.


The dropdown field allows the signer to choose one item from a fixed list of predefined options. This field is fully customizable, both in the description and the signer options. This is used in similar cases to ‘Yes/No’ but when you need to adjust the options. Options can be added/adjusted in the right-hand settings panel. This field can also be used to conditionally show other fields based on the selection.


Checkbox field allows a signer to choose at least one item from a fixed list of  predefined options. Commonly this type of field is used when you might ask the signer to ‘select all that apply’. Note: when you drag and drop this field, the first checkbox is added automatically. You can adjust the field options in the Settings panel on the right side. This field can be used to conditionally show other fields based on the checkbox selected.

Image Upload

The Image upload allows a signer to upload an image directly to the form. They can also capture a photo from their camera and stamp the image directly to the form. One example of this in use, is if your organization requires the signer's headshot (modeling agency) in addition to a release to be completed.

File Upload

The File upload field allows a signer to submit additional documents to the form while signing. This could be used if you require the signer to upload an additional document or file as part of them completing the agreement. 

All of these inputs can be accessed in Step 3 of the Agreement Editor in the last input group:

For more information about how using advanced agreement inputs could be helpful to you and your team, please email